By Bhavna Kalyan
Photo credit: Bijay Dixit
AV: Krishna sounds
The Indo American Chamber of Commerce of Greater Houston held it’s Women Mean Business series event of 2019 on the August 22nd at Double Tree Hilton, featuring Keynote Speakers Susan Davenport and Meena Datt.
President Swapan Dhairyawan welcomed the gathering and spoke of the Chamber initiatives. He also spoke about the passionate and disciplined work of Susan Davenport who had also accompanied on the Mayor’s Trade Delegation last year. Her contribution in the Non profit world was remarkable. He also commended the work of Meena Datt who is an icon in the Indian American community and brings music and entertainment every weekend for the last innumerable decades.
Past President and Program Chair Joya Shukla thanked sponsors SHELL for their generous support to Women Mean Business for the past seven years. She also introduced the keynote speakers and encouraged the audience to stay connected.
Susan Davenport, Senior Vice President, Economic Development of the Greater Houston Partnership, spoke about her experience in India and how the GHP can help make Houston more livable and economically developed. A Native Texan, Ms. Davenport started her career as a Nurse, after graduating from University of Texas Medical Branch. She highlighted the importance of connecting, communicating, observing, understanding and listening to people. After her Master’s in Public Affairs from the University of Texas, Austin, she worked in the Austin Chamber of Commerce and helped shape up a technological community and infrastructure in the greater Austin area. Then she moved to Gainesville, Florida to help in economic development of the college city. Ms. Davenport emphasized the importance of serving others and serving the community. She also mentioned the importance of taking advantage of every opportunity and staying focused and open.
Meena Datt, Radio Star, “if its Music, Its Meena from KXYZ 1320AM”,spoke about her journey she went through in her profession. After moving from India to Houston, with the help and support of her husband, she joined the radio station for a weekend show. She spoke about her father who introduced her to the music and entertainment at a very early age. She believes she is an exception to the rule, as she did not have to struggle but she was focused on her goal. Her passion for music, according to her, has been one of her motivators to excel in her work and feel good and be happy.
This was followed by a Q& A session, followed by Alyssa from Shell and President Swapan presenting a certificate and a token of appreciation to the speakers. The event concluded with Joya requesting Alyssa to announce the winner of the lucky draw Anju Sethi, who received a scarf designed by Avan Bathena of Avanne Scarves. For more information visit