The Trademark is an image that accurately portrays the personality and function of an organization. The trademark should be visually attractive. The image should be usable in black & white as well as color. It can be either typographic or graphic design. Pictured above is the current trademark. The image will be used on brochures, signage, banners, stationary and business cards.
- Be creative and original. One can submit as many designs as they wish
- Each design should be approximately 7� x 10� (vertical or horizontal)
- All designs should be created on the computer in Illustrator or FreeHand, if possible
Deadline for Entries from the public: January 20th, 2005
Winning Entries will be exhibited at the Indian Republic Day Celebrations on January 29th 2005 at the IACCGH Booth.
Send or deliver all entries to: Indo-American Chamber of Commerce, 1535 West Loop South, Suite 200, Houston, Texas 77027.
Questions: Call the Chamber at 713 624 7131
Judging: Three Graphic Designers from the Houston Advertising Community will select the winner.
Awards: A prize of $250 will be awarded to the winner. Two runners up will receive certificates of merit.
The designs submitted become the property of the IACCGH