Farewell Speech by IACCGH President, ASHOK SHAH, to Consul General of India in Houston Hon. Rinzing Wangdi
On behalf of the Indo American Chamber of commerce- your chamber, I welcome all of you to this Farewell to Our First Family from India in Houston- Our Consul General Mr. Rinzing and Pema Wangdi. It is a rather sad moment for us Houstonians but in this inevitable world of change, we have an opportunity on this occasion to look back and celebrate the accomplishments that the Wangdi’s brought and also look forward and wish the very best to this couple’s new journey as the first couple to Argentina as India’s ambassadors.
How do I describe this first family – During the past several months that I have had the good fortune to know them. I would describe Mr. Rinzing Wangdi, as a leader who is visionary, innovative and takes courageous action.
Visionary leaders are especially noted for transforming paradigms and creating strategies that are “outside the box” of conventional thoughts. Conventional thoughts for a typical Consul General are to be involved with matters related to Visas, Diplomatic dinners and Diplomatic speeches. An outside the box thinking is to not only do these important conventional duties but also going beyond call of duty to inspire, challenge and provoke the community to think beyond the day to day accomplishments and plant the seeds for a long term framework of success. IACCGH is one such seed among many others.
A visionary leader’s thinking is broad and systemic, seeing the big picture, the whole system and the pattern that connects. And we all have learned this from Mr. Wangdi about his 3-legged architecture for our community, our role as Indo Americans in– Commerce- Culture and process of Politics, while continuing our separate identities as 80-plus organizations in Houston preserving awesome power of our diversity. He has also insisted on leveraging and learning from other local as well as national alliances.
Balancing her husband’s career, their children’s future, community well being – in a constant changing environment requires a committed, caring and passionate friend and that is Mrs. Pema Wangdi. As Bharati always says what a privilege it is to have known her.
Whether, 9/11- Firefighter in Houston, Articulating India’s values -leadership- needs, Encouraging the young, Visiting who’s who to promote Institutions, Employment issues, Summer Internships, Encouraging Blood donations, Poetry reading, Encouraging charity, Trying to promote Commerce and culture, Fighting to promote Houston, etc.. etc.. They have been our source of inspiration and courage. Always telling us Indo Americans – that our first priority is America and reminding our well wishes for India.
Thanks to this first family, today we in Houston are more Vibrant/ we are More assertive/ and we have more constructive dialogue/- we Houston are poised for long term transformation of Promise to Prosperity.
Once again, We Houstonians will miss their warmth and leadership- we wish very best for them and thank them for all their support and going beyond their call of duty.