Govind Agrawal starts off the IACCGH Fund drive for M. D. Anderson Cancer Center
Good things happen when good people are around good ideas. The Indo-American Chamber of Commerce of Greater Houston (IACCGH) had a goal in mind on November 25 when they invited a group of prominent Indo-Americans, including many physicians, the IACF and AAPI to listen to their reporting of M. D. Anderson Delegation’s visit to India. That goal was to get the community informed, involved and excited about the many aspects of future benefits to the community, Houston and India with M. D. Anderson Cancer Center developing direct relationships with similar Institutions in India. The next order of business is for oncologists and researchers of these institutions to get together and work out the areas of joint research and define the scope of joint ventures and cooperation.
Unfunded projects are difficult in any environment. On the other hand, if a fund is established which is earmarked only for work in India then a desire to do good can be easily translated in to sure action. With this in mind IACCGH appealed to the Indo-Americans of Houston to start a M. D. Anderson India Fund. It is predicted that once such a fund is started it would grow substantially from grants from large pharmaceutical and government institutions. This first amount of this fund would permit M. D. Anderson to initiate joint discussions with Tata Memorial Centre at scientific forums of Head and Neck Cancer Symposium In Mumbai in end February and another one on Breast Cancer with All India Institute of Medicine in New Delhi in November of 2003. IACCGH encouraged the Indo-American community to raise at least 100,000 dollars for this effort as they laid out their vision of the immediate and future benefits to all due to the community’s efforts to help in making Cancer A. History.
This clarion call was heard by one young man who came to this country in 1979 with hope, ambition and willingness for hard work. Govind Agrawal started his business with one Subway Sandwich outlet in 1989 and since has built it in to a sizable chain of healthy eating alternative outlets mostly in Houston and Dallas. Along the way he and his family built on their dreams and successes both of which came naturally with years of dedicated effort. Govind wanted to show his appreciation for the success this country has allowed them. He immediately came forward to represent the Indo-Americans of Houston at IACCGH’s call and happily pledged $30,000. This is a great beginning to the start of a very worthy cause. IACCGH on behalf of the Indo-American Community salutes this young philanthropist for his selfless and generous gesture and we as a community are proud of him.
It has often been said that the power of one can become the point of light for the power of many. This is a vibrant community, a successful community and a community that wants to give back to society. We must all play our part in making the Indo-American Community of Houston a role model for all. Govind has unhesitatingly taken the first action for an undoubtedly good cause. Please get involved and support this worthy venture, contact IACCGH at 713-624-7131 or for more information.