Third Annual Golf Tournament at Tour 18

We Thank the following Sponsors for making the Third Annual Golf Tournament

April 13th 2005 a Success:

Bronze Sponsors
                                                                     Silver Sponsors

Christus St. John                                                                                                                 

Clear Lake Neurological Surgery                        Consulate General of India

EquaTerra                                                            Harminder S Channa M.D.

Piping Technologies                                                                                                         

Wood Forest National Bank                                                                                                         




Bay Area Gastroenterology


We thank the following for their �inkind� donations:

Active Athlete/Nike,  Bombay Brasserie,Cuisine of India , Hewlett-Packard

Draksharam�s Taj Mahal,  Madras Pavilion , TOUR 18 Houston & TARA ENERGY

Held on April 13th 2005


The winning team was the team sent in by Gevity consisting of

Faisal Amin, Imran Mirza, Marilyn Bayless and John Kim